Josselin Rojas
Oct 27, 2020

When COVID-19 first hit, no one knew it would impact our everyday lives the way it did. Things as normal as hugging a friend have become dangerous. As the seriousness of Covid continued we were not allowed to do anything social and it did a lot of damage for the local businesses and peoples mental health. Places began to shut down, curfews were reinforced, deaths were sky rocketing.

The Pew Research center conducted a survey on March 19–24 2020. They went out and asked people if they would be uncomfortable doing certain everyday task during this global pandemic. This ranked from going to a party to simply visiting a friend. 91 % of people said they would feel uncomfortable attending a party, which I am not surprised. 77 % said they would be uncomfortable eating out at a restaurant, 66% of people said they would be uncomfortable going to a polling place to vote, 42% of people said they would be uncomfortable going out to a grocery store and 38% of people said they would be uncomfortable visiting a friend.

I would like to have seen this study be done three times, at the beginning of COVID, in the middle and at the end. It would be interesting to see how peoples mentality changes as time goes by.

data by: Amid coronavirus outbreak, most Americans uncomfortable going to a party, restaurant or polling place. (2020, March 31). Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2020/03/30/most-americans-say-coronavirus-outbreak-has-impacted-their-lives/psdt_03-30-20_covid-impact-00-11/



Josselin Rojas

Uic student majoring in Com! I love nature, books, and coffee! I enjoy learning new things and finding new passions. :)